Rhema Word Cathedral under the guidance of its senior leader, is unswerving in our commitment to go outside the four walls and reach people locally, nationally, and internationally.

We have done and continue to do missionary work in our community including events where there are clothing and food distributions, pop-up health clinics, hairdos and haircuts, and, through a partnership with Feed Albany, provide weekly meals for the local homeless population. Further, Rhema does benevolent acts locally such as rental and utility assistance and food donations to individuals.

Not only does Rhema reach out locally in our city and surrounding counties but also around the country, especially when disasters strike such as the flooding in Texas and Louisiana or the tornadoes that hit Southwest Georgia.

Rhema has served both as a clearing house, directing people to resources, and as a donation center, distributing supplies and food to those in need. Indeed, it is our goal to be an accurate representation of the kingdom as we may be the only bible some people will read.

Bishop Powell and Rhema Word have taken and/or sent medicines and supplies valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to countries around the world. In fact, over past two decades, we have served the countries of Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Japan, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mexico, the Bahamas, Belize, Australia and New Zealand. Missions’ trips have involved medical clinics and supplies, toy, food and clothes giveaways, books and personal hygiene products. Rhema Word have particularly been involved in Haiti, helping build a well, church and school.

Rhema Word is truly reaching the world.